Let Them Play

I’m kind of hoping my wife doesn’t read this one :).

We’re in the time of year when we seem to get more family time.

My kids and I were in the den watching a football game. My wife was footballed out and had retired to the bedroom for the night. Both kids were getting a little antsy and needed to move around a little. My son was fidgeting with a dog toy that was on the ground and my daughter asked him to toss it to her.

Did I mention that we have a “rule” in our family that you don’t throw things in the house? I put the word rule in quotes because it is probably more of a guideline, at least in my eyes. As long as we’re not putting anything in danger, I tend to let it go.

So, my son tossed the toy to my daughter and she caught it. You see it coming. Of course, he asked her to toss it back, and she did. Before I knew it, both of them were out of their seats and playing catch in the middle of the den. They went from tossing it to one another to hitting it back and forth trying to see how long they could keep it from landing on the floor.

As I watched, I couldn’t help but smile. They were laughing so hard and having so much fun together. I just had to let them keep going. Our kids like each other (for the most part). They have a good relationship. But as I watch them grow up and interact with one another, I want to give them every opportunity to continue building their relationship. I desperately want for them to have a strong relationship when they become adults, and in order for that to happen they need to be building that relationship in their younger years. I know you may not agree, but I believe that sometimes the building of relationships is more important than following the rules. I believe this is the way that God looks at us and our relationship with Him. There are definitely “rules” and commands that God gives to those who follow Him, but he seems to value having a relationship with His children and us having strong relationships with each other the most.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:36-40

Are there things you are do or rules you value that are keeping your kids from strengthening their relationships with one another?

What are some ways you can help your kids build their relationships with one another?


Weathering the Storms

